The main features at a glance | O2tax


Reasons why O2tax is a good choice

Digitize receipts
Digitize receipts

Photograph invoices with the sevScan app or send them to o2tax as an email. The information is recognized and the appropriate booking category is automatically suggested.Photograph invoices with the sevScan app or send them to o2tax as an email. The information is recognized and the appropriate booking category is automatically suggested.

Create invoices
Create invoices

Creating professional estimates & invoices is finally easy. All mandatory data is stored automatically. This way your invoices are always legally secure.

Cancellation of invoices / credit notes
Cancellation of invoices / credit notes

Cancel an invoice? No problem. Simply create a cancellation invoice or a credit note from an invoice.

Send reminders
Send reminders

Create reminders from unpaid invoices and send them to your customers.

Online banking
Online banking

An online payment account allows you to retrieve your transactions directly from your bank account via o2tax. More than 3,000 banks currently support o2tax.

Statement of surplus income
Statement of surplus income

The statement of surplus income shows how much profit you have made.

Cash book
Cash book

o2tax helps you manage your cash book properly, as well as ensuring you meet your cash register obligations.

Contact management
Contact management

Create organizations, create people, document your contact history, tag contacts, custom categories and much more.

Order transcations
Order transcations

Create estimates, receive order confirmations and create delivery notes.

Keep an inventory
Keep an inventory

Maintain articles, different units, inventory management, vendor / article assignment, vendor & customer prices.

Collaborative work
Collaborative work

Manage access rights in your organization, track history in the dashboard, and distribute tasks you still have to complete.Manage access rights in your organization, track history in the dashboard, and distribute tasks you still have to complete.


Your invoices / receipts and customers can be easily exported via CSV, PDF, or ZIP.

API / interface
API / interface

With the API you can connect external services to o2tax. With the help of the API documentation you can create your own solutions.

and many more...
and many more...

Many more features can be found in our features overview

Over 65.000 Amazed Customers

With the registration, you accept our terms & conditions and our data protection declaration. term & conditions Data protection declaration.